The Titans of the Pacific

tells of the political and economical tribulations in Peru during the early 1930s. Historians will love this feast of details and the well researched account of Peruvian power struggles, while fiction fans get their fill via two love affairs caught in the middle of the wider political events.
I personally struggled in the beginning with the level of details and the set up of the rather complex political and personal backgrounds but then vastly enjoyed the book as all comes perfectly together.
With plenty of suspense and tension this is a
great effort that should appeal to readers who look to learn more about less watched countries.

Reviewed for the Historical Novel Society



by Robert Gammon

In 1930, the world was hurtling towards one of the most terrifying periods in human history. The Titans of the Pacific tells incredible, but real, historical events.

John travels to South America as a member of an American economic mission advising the Peruvian government. He finds Peru in chaos, with an authoritarian regime supported by the country’s elite and foreign big business. He is drawn to the mysterious Yolanda and witnesses the start of a civil war and the local impact of the extreme political movements that tore the world apart leading up to World War II.
When The Washington Post co-opts John as an investigative journalist, he uncovers a sinister plot with worldwide ramifications. He must decide whether to risk his life in Peru struggling to foil the plot, and challenge The Titans of the Pacific – who will do anything to hold on to power – or return to a safer life in the USA.
Sam Jordison (author, books columnist at The Guardian newspaper and co-founder of Galley Beggar Press):
“The historical events are full of action: there’s no shortage of conspiracies, real drama or human interest. A really interesting world, full of glamour and intrigue, but the down to earth central character with his financial problems, confusion in his love life and street-life background provides a really effective entry into the high politics and intrigue. One of the things I like about this book is the way it demonstrates politics has always been dirty. Robert really enjoyed writing this and that pleasure is certainly conveyed to the reader”