Today I present you another regular author on this blog: John Dolan and his hilarious epic “Adventure in Mythopeia”
Part Douglas Adam, part Tom Sharpe this massive novel sparkles with ideas and humour.
The first part focuses on a bunch of small criminals in Wales. They are likeable, mostly harmless and get into all sorts of trouble with bigger crime bosses. They are very distinct characters and make for a fantastic start to this fast flowing novel. Notable is a tarot card reader on the periphery who introduces a mystic element that will be picked up later.
The second part introduces a young/old man who wants to experience the world and find adventure before his life comes to an end. He finds adventures not too far away from home in the library near where his aunt lives. Mysticism and sorcery come into play, while suddenly characters from the first part appear in this new world.
In the meantime there is a political storm brewing that always pops up in the background.
Well, from the outset there is a prophecy from the tarot card and in most bizarre ways we’re heading there.
Enough said about the plot. This is intelligent, imaginative, entertaining and well crafted writing. The plot and the diverse characters also always full of surprises and if you still don’t know John Dolan from my other blog posts and reviews, it’s high time you did check him out.

Official Blurb:

“It was neither the best of times, nor the worst of times. It was somewhere in the middle. ”

O’Breasail – publican, drunk and ex-Arsenal footballer – is up to his neck in debt to the Chinese gangster Mingzhu Tang. With time running out, the desperate Irishman goes for a tarot card reading at Driscoll’s Circus hoping to find a way out of his predicament.

Meanwhile, the world is descending into anarchy and his nephew Jason is considering quitting his job as a male escort.
Plus, there’s the little matter of the sheep…

So begins a modern-day epic drawing on the Greek Myths, Don Quixote, the Quest for the Holy Grail and Carl Jung’s treatise on UFOs. Packed with dark humor and eccentric characters, Adventures in Mythopoeia will take you on a madcap journey of criminality, enchantment, laugh-out-loud gags and British weather.

Bring your umbrella.

John Dolan


“Makes a living by travelling, talking a lot and sometimes writing stuff down. Galericulate author, polymath and occasional smarty-pants.”

John Dolan hails from a small town in the North-East of England. Before turning to writing, his career encompassed law and finance. He has run businesses in Europe, South and Central America, Africa and Asia. He and his wife Fiona currently divide their time between Thailand and the UK.

He is the author of the ‘Time, Blood and Karma’ mystery series and the ‘Children of Karma’ mystery trilogy.