9781771861823As I said on my blog yesterday, one of the biggest privileges of my writing life has been encountering some humble yet incredibly talented authors and becoming friends with the people behind truly inspiring books.

Murielle Syr, whose wonderful tale of a turtle ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/TURTLE-WISH-Murielle-Cyr-ebook/dp/B00DV1FA9G) caught my heart a few years ago,
has become a writer and a woman whom I simply adore.

Murielle has written in many different genres and has now found a publisher for her historical novel series. Needless to say. I cannot wait for it. To receive her advance preview copy from said publishers in Canada has made my day.

The Daughters’ Story

Available May 1, 2019 Pre-order now


Nadine is banished to a home for unwed mothers in 1950. She’s 15. Her baby daughter, whose father is shrouded in secrecy, is put up for adoption without her permission. Vowing to reunite one day with her daughter, she cuts all ties with her dysfunctional Irish and French-Canadian Catholic family whose past is cluttered with secrets, betrayals, incest and violence.

It’s now October 1970 in Montreal. Following two FLQ kidnappings, Ottawa proclaims the War Measures Act and sends the army into Quebec. These staggering events indirectly bring about a reunion between Nadine and her daughter Lisette, now 20 years old and embittered after being bounced from one foster home to another. Eight months pregnant, Lisette and her partner Serge, who is close to the FLQ, need money and see Nadine as a possible source.

A family saga with World Wars I and II, the Great Depression and the October crisis as backdrop, The Daughters’ Story tells the unsung, yet intensely passionate, tale of women whose unquenchable need to belong drives them to survive and thrive despite cruel conditions.