
The Blurb:

“I have been a great critic of myself for most of my life, and I was darned good at it, deflating my own ego without the help of anyone else.”

What do our shopping habits, high-heeled shoes, and big hair have to do with how we perceive ourselves? Do the slights we endured when we were young affect how we choose our relationships now?
D.G. takes us on a journey, unlocking the hurts of the past by identifying situations that hindered her own self-esteem. Her anecdotes and confessions demonstrate how the hurtful events in our lives linger and set the tone for how we value our own self-worth.
Words We Carry is a raw, personal accounting of how the author overcame the demons of low self-esteem with the determination to learn to love herself.

My Review:

I am amazed to find myself having so much in common with D.G. Kaye. When she writes about low self esteem and how she drew her lessons from life, I often felt this could have been me. I was an overweight teenager and heard the same things said to me. Her book is an utter treasure, full of honesty and excellent analysis of the psychology and behavioural dynamics of low self esteem: How it affects your life, your relationships and life choices.

But for-warned is for-armed, as they say, and with this in mind, D.G.Kaye has turned the bad situation around for herself by facing her demons and finding ways to understand her needs and errors. By sharing her insights and advice with us we get a chance to learn from her experience and thought processes. There isn’t much in this book that I couldn’t full heartedly agree with.
As another reviewer put it: “I want every young girl to read this and understand the lessons Kaye has learned. Wouldn’t life be much simpler … A book very well worth your time.”

 Buying Links:

 Amazon.co.uk: http://amzn.to/2aIZFiZ

 Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/2aOitLX

D.G. Kaye


Find D.G. Kaye on social media, her author and blog pages:
