By now most of you might know that the PUNK ROCKER anthology I contributed to is now available on Amazon! Here is a guest post I wrote about it for the wonderful Eden Baylee, one of my marvellous writer friends and supporters

I’m very happy to announce an upcoming release, which will include two stories from author and friend, Christoph Fischer.

PUNK ROCKER, a new book dropping May 15th is the brainchild of author, Brenda Perlin. You will recall I read and reviewed her first book, LA PUNK ROCKER last year. Keep your eyes on this space for an an interview with Brenda Perlin this Friday.

In the meantime, please welcome Christoph and learn about his involvement with punk rock. I was surprised by Christoph’s diverse background, and you may be too!

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I’ve recently contributed two short stories to Punk Rocker, the much anticipated sequel to L.A. Punk Rocker by top author Brenda Perlin’s best-selling punk anthology.

I’m so proud that my stories have been chosen for this. LA Punk Rocker was one of my favourite reading pleasures last year and brought back a lot of vivid memories…

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