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Time to continue the introductions to the cast of THE GAMBLERS with Wendy

(The book is already available for pre-order now )

THE GAMBLERS is the story of Ben Andrews a shy accountant who becomes obsessed with numbers and luck.

When he wins the Lottery and becomes rich overnight his life changes, but not necessarily in the ways he had thought. Who can he trust, now that he’s rich? How should Ben build his new life?


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Wendy is a very attractive stewardess who Ben meets on an airplane. During their conversation over Duty Free sales he treats her with respect and generosity and uses his status as First Class passenger to shield her from her bossy superior.

She seems the stereotype of an overspending and materialistic girlie girl but she turns out to be more steady and conscientious than Ben would have thought.

images (3)I always pictured her a bit like Scarlett Johansen, who in many of her roles shows that physical attractiveness doesn’t protect you from getting hurt or being vulnerable. With shy Ben she is forced to take the initiative.

Ben  is a shy guy, not good at reading people but good at maths and statistics.

He is polite and pleasant and at a dinner party you’d probably like to chat with him but longer conversations could turn into a dry and demanding chore. Not without his charms and good sides, Ben is an acquired taste.

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Praise for Fischer’s thriller “THE HEALER” on Amazon:

“Very Unforgettable Read” – “One of the best-in-class books I’ve ever read in this sub-genre”

– “Touching thriller that raises many profound questions.”

– “Multi-layered, multifaceted, expertly credible psychological thriller”

Praise for “IN SEARCH OF A REVOLUTION” on Amazon:

“Excellent read. Cracking pace.” – “Christoph Fischer is a skilled and accomplished story teller”

“Fischer does an excellent job in distilling the macro into the micro. This talent could be compared to Kazuo Ishiguro’s gift of ‘writing in the miniature’ ”


Short Biography:  christoph

Christoph Fischer was born in Germany, near the Austrian border, as the son of a Sudeten-German father and a Bavarian mother. Not a full local in the eyes and ears of his peers he developed an ambiguous sense of belonging and home in Bavaria. He moved to Hamburg in pursuit of his studies and to lead a life of literary indulgence. After a few years he moved on to the UK where he now lives in a small town in West Wales.  He and his partner have three Labradoodles to complete their family.

Christoph worked for the British Film Institute, in Libraries, Museums and for an airline. ‘The Luck of The Weissensteiners’ was published in November 2012; ‘Sebastian’ in May 2013 and The Black Eagle Inn in October 2013. “Time To Let Go” , his first contemporary work was published in May 2014, and “Conditions” in October 2014. His medical thriller “The Healer” was released in January 2015 and his latest historical novel “In Search of a Revolution” in March 2015.

He has written several other novels which are in the later stages of editing and finalisation.







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